Thank you for supporting The Berwick! We would be delighted to safely provide delicious food for you, your family and/or your employees. We have a wide variety of to-go menus listed below.

Food by the Pan

This menu has some of our favorite dishes listed a-la-carte so you can order in sizes to suit your event needs. It is ideal for smaller events, like a shower at your condo’s clubhouse or a dinner party at home. CONTACT US to order.

Business Boxed Meals

This menu offers breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack options that are individually packaged for employees to safely enjoy. CONTACT US to order.

Pickup and Delivery Hours

Tuesday through Thursday - 10am to 5pm

Friday - 10am to 6pm

Saturday — 10am to 5pm

Sunday - Availability Varies

Pickup or delivery is available outside our regular hours, but may be subject to order minimums.

Hot or Cold

You can pick-up the food hot and ready-to-eat or cold with heating instructions.

Delivery Orders

Based on distance from our location

Within 20-mile radius $40

Outside 20-mile radius $70

Ready to place your order?

CONTACT US to speak with a member of the Susi family to finalize your order. Please place orders two days in advance.

Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions when ordering.